Free Copy of Carol Cornish’s “The Undistracted Widow”

As followup to the blog interview I conducted with Carol Cornish about her new book, The Undistracted Widow, I want to offer a free copy of it to my readers. All you have to do is leave a comment about how this book will better help you serve widows as an individual Christian, how it will help you serve widows in your ministry, or if you are a widow, how you will use it in your own life to be “undistracted” and take what you learn to minister to other widows. And then from those entries I will randomly pick a winner! Easy enough. This is probably the best book I have read for widows out there. You’ll want to get yourself a copy today!

20 Responses to Free Copy of Carol Cornish’s “The Undistracted Widow”

  1. Ferree Hardy says:

    With such an intriguing title and endorsements from names I recognize and trust, this looks like a book I’d really use as a blogger for Christian widows. grows steadily each week as widows actively seek help in navigating grief and God’s purpose for them. The Undistracted Widow looks like a book I’d not only recommend, but also integrate into my own life and the personal e-mails between me and my readers.

  2. Doug Adamson says:

    I certainly know some widows that could benefit from the book.

  3. Rebecca Morrison says:

    I read about this book / your contest on Ferree’s blog. Sounds like a very relevant book to me, as I am a recently widowed woman. Thanks for sharing!

  4. yani says:

    Hi Carol,
    I just turned a widow in August 2010. It was all too sudden that I find it hard to accept but by God’s grace, I am currently in peaceful relationship with our lord Jesus Christ. I am more amazed of how God has been working mightily in my life. The first time I saw the title, I thought I really wanted to get a copy of this book. Unfortunately, I couldnt get one because Im in the Philippines.Wish I could read even if its a soft copy of it.Right now, I’m handling a ministry with the kids and I have one widow that I currently help whose husband died in September. I would really love to read.please help me on how to get a copy of it as I badly need some encouragements.Thank you so much!

  5. Myra says:

    My best friend, Jan and I have been exploring starting a widow’s support group in our area. We are attending our first widow’s conference and hope to get some ideas on what to do and what not to do. We are at the information gathering stage and I would welcome the chance to read your book.

  6. allenmickle says:


    “The Undistracted Widow” would be very beneficial to me as I am leading bible studies for women in my home. I’m hoping this group will eventually include a wide range of ages and therefore there will be a variety of needs represented. Once I have read through this book, it would be included in a small library with other books for women that I have been collecting to make available to the group.
    Thanks for the e-mails.

    Colleen Heath

  7. allenmickle says:

    I just drew for the book and Feree is the winner! E-mail me your mailing address and I’ll have Crossway mail you a copy. E-mail me at allen [dot] mickle [dot] jr [at] gmail [dot] com.

    Sorry Doug!

  8. Ferree Hardy says:

    Allen, Thanks so much! I see that some of my blog readers left comments here so I as soon as I read the book I’ll pass it along to them, too. This will be one well-traveled book!

  9. Mrs. Richard Moore says:

    Having just lost my dear husband last month, I can hardly relate to the title of this book. I feel totally distracted from my previous life’s focus. That fact alone is why I was interested enough to remember the title of this book when it was suggested to me in a grief support group at church.

    I am an adult educator so if this book proves to be worth sharing with other widows, I will be able and willing to share it in groups as well as on an individual basis.

    Grief of this gravity can only be endured with our Lord’s help. I seek and He always is there with answers. I have no doubt that I was supposed to learn of this book and have every intention of obtaining it; whether or not it’s through this posting.

  10. Ferree Hardy says:

    Dear Mrs. Moore, I’m so sorry for the recent loss of your husband. May the Lord make Himself known to you in His remarkable ways and wisdom as you journey through grief. I was fortunate to be the recipient this book offer, and would be happy to pass it along to you, as I have already done for three others. I believe if you click on my name you’ll find my contact info.

  11. Hi Carol,

    I’ve been trying to look for books that’s apt to my situation. Unfortunately no such books exists in our church library. Sad to say we have poor support group in our church for widows. I would be very glad if I could have a free copy of your book. I’m still struggling in certain areas of my life.

  12. Gloria Martin says:

    I am so grateful I found out about this book. Being a widow for a little over a year now I am seeking information to develop a Widow’s Ministry at our church. This book and the bits I have read have really intrigued me and given me ideas on how to continue developing this ministry. Can’t wait to get the book and get started.

  13. grace says:

    being a widow in Africa is considered a curse and worse still for widows like me whose spouses committed suicide!I desperately need a copy of this book!It will be a blessing not only to me but other widows that I know.

  14. Mary Kay fries says:

    I am a widow of 31/2 years my husband pastored our church for 32years and we did much councelling but I must say never really encountered much on the loose of a spouse therefore I believe this book can give me s lot of foresight that I can pass on to those in deed just since my husband died we have had 6 other spouses pass away I feal so inadequate to do this but am endevoring to start a group for widows and widowers please keep this work in your prayers thank you in advance for your generosity in the free book God bless

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