Does God Care About How You Come to Heaven?

July 10, 2010

Each week I pick up the copy of our local newspaper, the Wyoming County Press Examiner. In the most recent issue there was an article about a new pastor, Margie McCarty, at three local Methodist churches. There has been a lot of pastoral transition in our area over the last months (yours truly included!) so there is not much new regarding that. But a statement that she made brought some strong feelings. She says her American Baptist training does not conflict with being a Methodist pastor. She says, “For me, the theological differences are not a personal concern… God doesn’t care how people get into the Kingdom.” Now, knowing the liberal nature of both the American Baptist denomination and the United Methodist denomination, I do not think I have to guess too much by what she said. Many liberal denominations truly mean by this that there are more than one ways to heaven. Yet, the problem I have with this is a key verse.

You see, God DOES care about how you come to Him. He has ordained that the only way to come to Him and thus enjoy eternal happiness with Him is through Jesus Christ and Him ALONE. Not through any other way. Someone must actually trust and believe in Jesus Christ, the God-man who came and died as our substitute to pay the penalty of our sins and rose again to defeat death and provide for us the promise of eternal life. There is only ONE way to Heaven. Jesus Christ. God DOES care about how you come to Him and He has provided for you a way to come. Won’t you come to Him today?